Sunday, September 30, 2007

No news is nothing new

There is not much news to report on the adoption front. We continue to wait for the arrival of our I71H. I check the mail daily hoping to see that magical envelope. So far...I have received over 200 credit card offers, several political flyers, some magazines and a reminder to update the dog's vaccines. But no I71H. In the meantime, we are continuing to work on our dossier, paint in the nursery and have even started to call this child something other than "Owen." It seems that things are moving...they're just not moving very fast.

I've not been blogging because I've been so frustrated with the speed things are moving. I was wearing a gigantic pair of rose colored glasses when we started this process. We've waited so long to have a child and we want him or her here as soon as possible. As of Friday, we have been involved in this process for only six months, but sometimes it feels like we have been doing this forever.

We had the chance to attend a picnic for our homestudy agency yesterday. There were families who had completed both international and domestic adoptions. It was refreshing to see families that had completed the process. Seeing that you can actually get through the process and bring home a beautiful child was the shot in the arm that we needed.

Here are a few pictures:
Colvin and Josie enjoying a Sunday afternoon nap

Another Nursery Spoiler

Famous in a Small Town

Yes...I know that I have been a bad blogger. You can stop giving me a hard know who you are.

Larry and I had a great date night last Friday, going to see Miranda Lambert at a local bar. She was great. We had a blast, until the high concentration of smoke in the place started to get to me.

We were having a great time, but our night took an unexpected twist; a good twist, but altogether unexpected. As we were sitting at our table, procured several hours before the show, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, an unfamiliar face asked me "Who is the morning personality for WYYD?" I answered correctly and then this unfamiliar face responded " Well, how would you like to meet Miranda Lambert?" He then proceeded to hand me two backstage passes. Here's the proof:
All in all, it was a pretty great date night.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend Recap

This weekend was great for the both of us. We spent all of Saturday with my best friend Leanne and her family to celebrate her graduation from a strenuous MBA program. We left Lynchburg early in the morning and had a blast. I'm so proud of Leanne! She completed this MBA program, worked full-time and gave birth to an adorable 11 pound baby in the spring. She Rocks!

We got to Richmond a little early and spent some quality time with Thorn, the aforementioned 11 pound baby, who is now a thriving 5 month old. He's going to be a heartbreaker.

After the ceremony, we had a fabulous dinner and even more laughter and good times. Alas we could not stay in Richmond last night. Since it was race weekend, there was not a hotel room to be found in the city. So we drove back to Lynchburg....or should I say Larry drove back to Lynchburg and I slept.

There's not a lot of news to report on the adoption front right now. We're waiting on our I71H and compiling our dossier. Larry's on the ball and has gotten several of the necessary papers together already. Not me, Not yet. I hope to get a move on it this week. I have been working on the nursery a little more and I'm posting a picture with a brief hint.

Who can resist that face!

Best Friends have good hair days.

Larry getting in some practice holding a baby!

A spoiler for the nursery!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome to the World, Baby Addison

It's always a wonderful day when a new baby enters your life. Congratulations to our good friends Kim and Chris on the birth of Addison Carter. What a wonderful addition to a great family. And congrats to big brother Cameron and big sister Peyton. Larry and I were at the hospital this morning to greet Addison, mere minutes after her arrival. Mom and Baby are doing well.

Addison Carter