Here are some pictures of the newest family member. I also included some comparison pictures of T. I am trying to determine if they look alike at all.
T at 12 days in her car seat
T at 4 days with her binky
Seriously...what am I getting into?
Sleeping peacefully
I am strongly considering completely switching to a private blog. Please let me know if you would be interested in the password.
I've been following your blog since you were starting your Vietnam journey. I would love the password if you decide to go private. an 80s lady 6886 @ sbc global dot com (no spaces)
I absolutely see a bit of a spitting image situation there!
I'm way behind on blog reading, but yes, please do keep me updated if you move somewhere. Totally understand the thought of it, if I ever get myself organized I may do the same...
I think they look alike for sure! Both super cute! Boys are an adventure, have fun!! And yes of course I would like the password!
Congrats! What a beautiful family. I love following along! Please keep me posted.
I would like to have the password if you go private! :) I love your growing family!
Just let me know where you end up- I will be there!
I think there is definitely some resemblence there! He is so cute!
Just let me know where you end up- I will be there!
I think there is definitely some resemblence there! He is so cute!
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