Saturday, January 16, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
When Potatos have a bad day...
Friday, January 1, 2010
2009 in review
February 2009
We learn that Teegen might become a big sister by the end of the year. She looks excited doesn't she?
December 31, 2009
What an incredible year! Finally, a picture of them together.
What a truly incredible year! This time last year, I would never imagine that we would have been blessed with another child. And never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that being a mother would be such an amazing job. I'm so fortunate to be their mother.
Last night, I reflected back on the last decade...what a rollercoaster ride. In that time period, I finished graduate school, met Larry, bought a house, got married, lost my stepmother, change jobs three times, welcome a new niece and nephew, start an international adoption, cry a million tears when that international adoption was no longer an option, pick up the pieces and decide that we should try domestic adoption, fall madly in love with my gorgeous daughter and cry like baby as I heard my son take his first breath. What an amazing ten years.
As I look forward to 2010, I've tried not to make any resolutions, but know that there are areas in my life that I would like to work on. Larry and I are trying very hard to work on budgeting and finances...two adoptions in 18 months can take its toll. I'm also tring to work on writing more. I would really like to develop something concerning domestic adoption. Having been on both sides of the adoption fence, meaning international versus domestion, I feel that at times, domestic adoption gets a bad rap. I think that there is a certain stigma that needs to be tackled head on. I would like to help educate others on the miracle of domestic adoption. And I also think that putting our story on paper will be so so so beneficial to my children in the future.
But my biggest goal this year is to not sweat the small stuff, enjoy my children and husband and enjoy life. It is too short not to.
Happy New Year!