Sunday, April 20, 2008

Whirlwind wedding weekend

This weekend was a blur for us! My cousin Mandy married the greatest guy in the world --next to Larry that is-- and the wedding weekend was quite the whirlwind. The bride was beautiful, the rain held off until after the ceremony, the quality family time was top notch and the groom performed an incredible dance solo to "Baby Got Back."

Today, we wrapped up the weekend in my hometown by having breakfast with my sister, her husband and my favorite 13 week old! Here we are sharing some love! You can't really tell from the photo, but we are actually cheek to cheek!

Giving Auntie M some love!

The bib says it all! I so love this kid!


Kelli said...

Cute pictures. I just noticed you read Change of Heart. I just finsihed it about 20 minutes ago- WOW. I always think I have her books figured out- never do!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new AG pics,

Anonymous said...

Such a very pretty baby!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute baby!Glad you had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable! A can't believe that she is already 13 weeks old.