Saturday, May 24, 2008


After a few emotionally charged weeks, I've been able to take a little time off of work --roughly 5 days-- and try to recharge and regain my normally positive outlook. And one way to do that was spend some time with some of my favorite family.

I kicked off this recharging time by hanging out with my 9 year old niece Sophie on Thursday. I picked her up from school and we were off to pick up our weekly supply of fresh produce and eggs. Sophie helped me collect the lettuce, radishes, onions, collard greens, parsley, strawberries and eggs. And then we were off to the movies.

Since Sophie was about three, she has been my movie buddy. Typically we go to see animated films, but now that she's getting older, we opted for Prince Caspian, the latest in the Chronicles of Narnia series. We arrived just in time for the 4:30 show and to our excitement, we were two of only four people in the theatre. And just where should one sit when the movie theatre is completely empty...the very back row, of course. I'm picking seats the next time.

As we got settle in our seats waiting for the movie to start, I proceeded to dump my popcorn in the floor...about half of the bag. I think it embarassed Sophie.

The movie itself was good. The scenery in the film beautiful, as with the first film. But I will say, and warn you that there were some scenes that were quite violent. I was not expecting some of it and found myself covering Sophie's eyes several times. Needless to say, we got through the film and had a blast. We're looking forward to our next movie night....Kung Fu Panda.

For now, I'm spending some time in my hometown, languishing in time with family.

My next post is #100...I hope I can come up with something good for that!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great way to enjoy down time! And good luck with 100th post.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying your break and getting some much needed mental rejuvenation. *hugs*

Kelli said...

Hey- I got your comment. No, no referral but hopefully soon. I need your email so I can send you the password!