Sunday, March 2, 2008


I can't believe that I've overlooked a pretty major milestone in the adoption. Almost two weeks ago Larry delivered our portfolio and birthmother letter to the agency...we're officially waiting to be matched. It was a strange feeling to go from waiting to wait for referral to actually waiting. Very exciting. I am having to restrain myself from buying loads of baby items.

In other news to report, I'm diligently working on my professional counseling license! I've been dragging my feet for the last four years about actually doing this. But I am hopefully going to sit for the exam in October. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take one more class. Thankfully it will be an independent study. And as of Tuesday, I'm going back to school!

One of my resolutions was to read at least a book a week. I just finished a great book I wanted to recommend, "The Friday Night Knitting Club." Incredible!


Anonymous said...

What great news Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on moving from waiting to wait to actual waiting and on getting your license. Thanks for the book recommendation. I don't think I'd have selected that book based on the title.

Kelli said...

Congratulations on officially waiting! Can't wait to follow your journey!