Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Freak Out #1

And I'm sure that it is the first of many freak outs on the road to our child.

Before I left work today, I called to check the message on our home phone. Since Larry and I only check messages typically once a month, there were several new messages. One of them was from our adoption agency, left on Monday. The worker said that she needed to ask a few questions and she would only be in on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So at 4:57 pm, I called her back. She was incredibly sweet and seemed excited to hear back from me. She quickly told me that everything looked good so far, but she was concerned about some of the responses under the medical section of our application. She specifically wanted to know about Larry's stroke (which happened over 5 years ago) and his rapid heart rate. I told her that both were controlled and Larry had no deficits left over from the stroke. I added that his doctor has filled out a medical form for our homestudy and stated that Larry would be able to care for a child and that medical conditions would not interfere with that. The nice lady told me that Vietnam should not have a problem with this and it would have to be documented in another form later in the process anyway.

So...if you know me, then you may know that at times I can be a bit irrational. After I hung up, I FREAKED OUT!!!! FOr a bit, I was convinced that Larry and I would not be able to adopt and we may as well forget about the entire process.

My wonderful husband was able to calm me down and I did a bit a research on the topic. I feel a little better. However, Larry is calling the agency tomorrow to talk to someone else, just to get a better idea about the situation.

The plus side to this is that the agency has given us the greenlight to move forward and is mailing us a packet of documents and information to help through the next steps.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to start checking the messages every day now

Megan said...

yes, I believe that we will be checking the messages several times a day now.