Sunday, August 5, 2007

Where is the nearest brick wall?

After Friday, I feel like we are beating our heads against a large brick wall. Once again, Larry's fingerprints were thrown out because they were smudged. This was the third attempt. And I was so upset. Last time they were thrown out, I was angry. This time, I felt defeated. I'm beginning to wonder if we will ever get over this hurdle. In reality I know that we will, but this really took the air out of my sails.

I really just don't understand what the problem is. I mean, the people doing the prints fingerprint inmates every single day. It's their job. You would think they might realize the prints are bad.

So, I'm asking that everyone send some postive thoughts our way. Larry is going to have his prints scanned on Monday. Hopefully this will do the trick.


Anne said...

OMG, I'm so sorry these things keep happening to you! The good news is that you WILL eventually move forward. You're just getting all the bad stuff out of the way first, right? Sending positive thoughts in your direction...

Taryn (soon to be known as "BA" said...

I am right here with you both with prayers and positive vibes always.

Anonymous said...

Meg and Larry -

Got your message to Mama - we will be praying for you, that the issue with Larry's fingerprints will be taken care of. Hope we can catch up with y'all soon -

We love you -
Kevin and Talona

Kathryn said...

Hang in there! I'm sure it is very discouraging, but I know others who've had similar or worse problems. It will all work out and in the end everything will be worth it when you have a bouncing baby or girl

Emanual said...

I asked when we did it - what if you just don't have good finger prints and the gal said, "Oh, you just have to bring in a notarized letter saying you really are you." She totally made it sound like no big deal at all. Maybe you should check that out?