Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It is rare that I make New Year's Resolutions, but I figured since I was heading into a new chapter of my life, then I would try a few resolutions. However, I tried not to make any where I would be setting myself up for failure. Here goes nothing:

Resolution #1: Eat less sugar and go to the gym a few times a week. I realize this may be difficult, but I did the no sugar thing two years ago with great success. So far so good today...but it is painfully obvious that a skinny, sugar-free latte from Starbucks is not a good as the fully-loaded stuff. So I'm switching to tea.

Resolution #2: Really start an earnest effort to work on my counseling license. I've got almost all of the requirements, but the paperwork makes me shudder. However, if I can complete an adoption paper chase, than I should be able to do this.

Resolution #3: Read a book a week. I thrive on books and will read anything thing that I can get my hands on. I figure I won't have as much time to read once the little one gets here, so I'm trying to get my reading in now. I'm taking suggestions for things to read. Maybe I will post what I've read as a sidebar....

Resolution #4: To start playing my guitar again. It's been a long time since I've played.

Resolution #5: (This may be the hardest): Stop calling our child "Owen" and start calling him/her by the name we have chosen. We call the baby Owen all the time and I am afraid that it is sticking...actually I'm pretty sure that it has stuck and I am trying to unstick it. I'm not ready to divulge that name into blogland and probably won't until we have a referral (so if you know the name, please refrain from posting). For now, on the blog I'm going to refer to him/her as "R."

And what's Larry's resolution...to start cooking more Vietnamese food. He started tonight with Beef Pho...it's was a good start, but very strong. We've got to find an Asian grocery!

Happy New Year!!!!


Jennifer said...

Hi--I'm Jennifer, another Vietnam PAP w/CAS. We are #11 in line for a boy!

I enjoy reading your blog and listening to your great songs! I'm a children's librarian, and want to recommend a book that I just read. Based on the two you've listed, I think you'd love it. It's called "The City of Ember" and has two sequels.

Good luck!

Jilian said...

Considering how much "Cletus the Fetus" was used - and it didn't stick - I don't think Owen will be an issue :)

Looking forward to the name reveal - mostly because it'll mean you have the referral!

Carissa said...

Those are wonderful respolutions! Good luck with the book thing, I have been reading Eat, Pray, Love and have really enjoyed it! This will be your year!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you on the sugar and exercise; promise not to use the O-word again; and have read three books since Christmas, so we're on a similar path.

With Annagrace around the corner and Baby Bowen headed our way, 2008 is going to be an awesome year for our clan.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Okay. But Owen is so much better better than some nicknames of the Bowen family - Deedle-D, DeeDoo, Whale, Sham-moo, Cabbage Head and lets not forget Smokey.
And remember Owen is all KP's fault! I am so looking forward to 2008.

Chris T. Esq. said...

i miss hearing you play guitar. i was out the other night and a there was a couple playing and they sang a mcc song. although to be honest i totally forgot which one. i'm such a sad case. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I had this conversation (#5) with my hubby!!! I don't want to name our child Blanket... but it seems to be sticking!!! I fear that whatever we name him or her, they will forever be known as Blanket!!!! I thought I was the only one! At least Owen is a normal name!!!